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You have often talked of relationship. What does it mean to you?

Jiddu Krishnamurti:

First of all, there is no such thing as being isolated. To be is to be related and without relationship there is no existence. What do we mean by relationship? It is an interconnected challenge and response between two people, between you and me, the challenge which you throw out and which I accept or to which I respond; also the challenge I throw out to you. The relationship of two people creates society; society is not independent of you and me; the mass is not by itself a separate entity but you and I in our relationship to each other create the mass, the group, the society.

Relationship is the awareness of interconnection between two people. What is that relationship generally based on? Is it not based on so-called interdependence, mutual assistance? At least, we say it is mutual help, mutual aid and so on, but actually, apart from words, apart from the emotional screen which we throw up against each other, what is it based upon? On mutual gratification, is it not? If I do not please you, you get rid of me; if I please you, you accept me either as your wife or as your neighbour or as your friend. That is the fact.
What is it that you call the family? Obviously it is a relationship of intimacy, of communion. In your family, in your relationship with your wife, with your husband, is there communion? Surely that is what we mean by relationship, do we not? Relationship means communion without fear, freedom to understand each other, to communicate directly. Obviously relationship means that — to be in communion with another. Are you? Are you in communion with your wife? Perhaps you are physically but that is not relationship.

You and your wife live on opposite sides of a wall of isolation, do you not? You have your own pursuits, your ambitions, and she has hers. You live behind the wall and occasionally look over the top — and that you call relationship. That is a fact, is it not? You may enlarge it, soften it, introduce a new set of words to describe it. but that is the fact — that you and another live in isolation, and that life in isolation you call relationship.
If there is real relationship between two people, which means there is communion between them, then the implications are enormous. Then there is no isolation; there is love and not responsibility or duty. It is the people who are isolated behind their walls who talk about duty and responsibility. A man who loves does not talk about responsibility — he loves. Therefore he shares with another his joy, his sorrow, his money. Are your families such? Is there direct communion with your wife, with your children? Obviously not.

Therefore the family is merely an excuse to continue your name or tradition, to give you what you want, sexually or psychologically, so the family becomes a means of self-perpetuation, of carrying on your name. That is one kind of immortality, one kind of permanency. The family is also used as a means of gratification. I exploit others ruthlessly in the business world, in the political or social world outside, and at home I try to be kind and generous. How absurd! Or the world is too much for me, I want peace and I go home. I suffer in the world and I go home and try to find comfort. So I use relationship as a means of gratification, which means I do not want to be disturbed by my relationship.
Thus relationship is sought where there is mutual satisfaction, gratification; when you do not find that satisfaction you change relationship; either you divorce or you remain together but seek gratification elsewhere or else you move from one relationship to another till you find what you seek — which is satisfaction, gratification, and a sense of self-protection and comfort. After all, that is our relationship in the world, and it is thus in fact.

Relationship is sought where there can be security, where you as an individual can live in a state of security, in a state of gratification, in a state of ignorance — all of which always creates conflict, does it not? If you do not satisfy me and I am seeking satisfaction, naturally there must be conflict, because we are both seeking security in each other; when that security becomes uncertain you become jealous, you become violent, you become possessive and so on. So relationship invariably results in possession in condemnation, in self-assertive demands for security, for comfort and for gratification, and in that there is naturally no love.
We talk about love, we talk about responsibility, duty, but there is really no love; relationship is based on gratification, the effect of which we see in the present civilization. The way we treat our wives, children, neighbours, friends is an indication that in our relationship there is really no love at all. It is merely a mutual search for gratification. As this is so, what then is the purpose of relationship? What is its ultimate significance? If you observe yourself in relationship with others, do you not find that relationship is a process of self-revelation? Does not my contact with you reveal my own state of being if I am aware, if I am alert enough to be conscious of my own reaction in relationship?

Relationship is really a process of self-revelation, which is a process of self-knowledge; in that revelation there are many unpleasant things, disquieting, uncomfortable thoughts, activities. Since I do not like what I discover, I run away from a relationship which is not pleasant to a relationship which is pleasant. Therefore, relationship has very little significance when we are merely seeking mutual gratification but becomes extraordinarily significant when it is a means of self-revelation and self-knowledge.
After all, there is no relationship in love, is there? It is only when you love something and expect a return of your love that there is a relationship. When you love, that is when you give yourself over to something entirely, wholly, then there is no relationship.
If you do love, if there is such a love, then it is a marvellous thing. In such love there is no friction, there is not the one and the other, there is complete unity. It is a state of integration, a complete being. There are such moments, such rare, happy, joyous moments, when there is complete love, complete communion. What generally happens is that love is not what is important but the other, the object of love becomes important; the one to whom love is given becomes important and not love itself.

Then the object of love, for various reasons, either biological, verbal or because of a desire for gratification, for comfort and so on, becomes important and love recedes. Then possession, jealousy and demands create conflict and love recedes further and further; the further it recedes, the more the problem of relationship loses its significance, its worth and its meaning.

Therefore, love is one of the most difficult things to comprehend. It cannot come through an intellectual urgency, it cannot be manufactured by various methods and means and disciplines. It is a state of being when the activities of the self have ceased; but they will not cease if you merely suppress them, shun them or discipline them. You must understand the activities of the self in all the different layers of consciousness. We have moments when we do love, when there is no thought, no motive, but those moments are very rare. Because they are rare we cling to them in memory and thus create a barrier between living reality and the action of our daily existence.
In order to understand relationship it is important to understand first of all what is, what is actually taking place in our lives, in all the different subtle forms; and also what relationship actually means. Relationship is self-revelation. it is because we do not want to be revealed to ourselves that we hide in comfort, and then relationship loses its extraordinary depth, significance and beauty. There can be true relationship only when there is love but love is not the search for gratification. Love exists only when there is self-forgetfulness, when there is complete communion, not between one or two, but communion with the highest; and that can only take place when the self is forgotten.



ВОПРОС:   Вы часто говорите о взаимоотношениях. Что это означает для вас?

КРИШНАМУРТИ: Прежде всего не существует такой вещи, как изолированное существование. Быть – значит быть во вза­имоотношениях, и без взаимоотношений нет существования. Что мы подразумеваем под взаимоотношениями? Это взаимосвязанные вызовы и ответы между двумя людьми, между вами и мной, вызов, который вы бросаете и который я принимаю или на который я отвечаю; а также вызов, который я бросаю вам. Взаимоотношения между двумя людьми создаёт обще­ство; общество не независимо от вас и от меня; масса сама по себе – не отдельная целостность, но вы и я в наших взаимоот­ношениях друг с другом создаём массу, группу, общество. Взаимоотношения это осознание взаимосвязи между двумя людь­ми. На чём эти взаимоотношения обычно основываются? Не основываются ли они на так называемой взаимозависимости, на обоюдном содействии? По крайней мере мы говорим, что это взаимная помощь, взаимное содействие и так далее; но на самом деле вне слов, вне эмоциональной завесы, которую мы набрасываем друг на друга, на чём они основаны? На вза­имном удовлетворении, не так ли? Если я вам неприятен, вы избавляетесь от меня; если я вам приятен, вы принимаете меня – либо как вашу жену, либо как вашего соседа или друга. Таков факт.

Чем является то, что вы называете семьёй? Очевидно, это взаимоотношения близости и общности. Существует ли об­щность в вашей семье, в ваших взаимоотношениях с вашей женой, с мужем? Наверняка это подразумевается под взаи­моотношениями, не так ли? Взаимоотношения означают общность без страха, свободу понимать друг друга, общаться напрямую. Очевидно, взаимоотношения означают это нахо­диться в состоянии общности с другим. Так ли это происходит у вас? Существует ли общность между вами и вашей женой? Возможно, в физическом смысле – но это не взаимоотношения. Вы и ваша жена живёте по разные стороны стены изоля­ции, не так ли? У вас свои устремления, свои амбиции, а у неё свои. Вы живёте за стеной и время от времени заглядываете поверх этой стены – и это вы называете взаимоотношениями. Таков факт, не правда ли? Вы можете увеличить это, смягчить это, ввести новый набор слов для описания этого, но таков факт – что вы и другой живёте в изоляции и что жизнь в изо­ляции вы называете взаимоотношениями.

Если существуют настоящие взаимоотношения между дву­мя людьми, а это означает, что у них есть общность, последс­твия этого грандиозны. Тогда нет изоляции, тогда есть любовь, а не ответственность и долг. Именно люди, изолированные за своими стенами, говорят об ответственности и долге. Человек, который любит, не говорит об ответственности – он любит. Поэтому он делит с другим его радости, его горести, его день­ги. Таковы ли ваши семьи? Существует ли непосредственное общение с вашими жёнами, с вашими детьми? Очевидно, нет. Поэтому семья – только предлог для сохранения имени, или традиции, чтобы получить то, что вам нужно, сексуально или психологически; так семья становится способом продолжения себя, носителем вашего имени. Это вид бессмертия, вид посто­янства. Семья также используется как способ получения удов­летворения. Я безжалостно эксплуатирую других в деловом мире, в политическом и социальном мире вовне, а дома я ста­раюсь быть добрым и великодушным. Или же мир для меня чрезмерен, мне нужен покой, и я иду домой. Я страдаю в мире, и я иду домой и пытаюсь найти утешение. Так я пользуюсь взаимоотношениями как способом удовлетворения, а это означа­ет, что я не хочу, чтобы мои взаимоотношения доставляли мне беспокойство.

Итак, люди ищут такие взаимоотношения, которые дают взаимное удовлетворение; если вы не получаете удовлетво­рения, вы меняете взаимоотношения; вы либо разводитесь, либо остаётесь вместе, но ищете удовлетворения где-то ещё, или переходите от одних взаимоотношений к другим, пока не находите то, что вы ищете – а это удовлетворение и чувство защищённости, комфорта. В конце концов таковы наши вза­имоотношения в мире, и так оно действительно происходит. Взаимоотношения ищутся там, где есть уверенность, где вы как личность можете жить в состоянии уверенности, в состоя­нии удовлетворения, в состоянии неведения – и всё это всегда создаёт конфликт, не так ли? Если вы не даёте мне удовлетворе­ния, а я ищу удовлетворения, естественно, должен быть конф­ликт, потому что мы оба ищем друг в друге безопасность; когда возникает неуверенность в такой безопасности, вы начинаете ревновать, ожесточаетесь, неистовствуете, в вас пробуждает­ся собственничество и так далее. Поэтому взаимоотношения неизбежно влекут за собой чувство собственничества, осужде­ние, настойчивое требование уверенности, безопасности, ком­форта и удовлетворения, и в этом, естественно, нет любви.

Мы говорим о любви, мы говорим об ответственности, о долге, но в действительности нет любви; взаимоотношения основаны на удовлетворении, последствия этого мы видим в современной цивилизации. То, как мы обращаемся с нашими жёнами, детьми, соседями, друзьями, указывает на то, что в на­ших взаимоотношениях действительно совсем нет любви. Это только взаимный поиск удовлетворения. И если это так – в чём тогда цель взаимоотношений? В чём их конечная значимость? Если вы наблюдаете себя во взаимоотношениях с другими, не обнаруживаете ли вы, что взаимоотношения – это процесс са­мораскрытия? Разве мой контакт с вами не раскрывает моего собственного состояния бытия, если я осознаю, если я доста­точно бдителен, чтобы осознавать мою собственную реакцию во взаимоотношениях? В действительности взаимоотноше­ния – это процесс самораскрытия, а это процесс самопозна­ния; это раскрытие обнаруживает много неприятных вещей, лишающие покоя неприятные мысли, поступки. Поскольку мне не нравится то, что я обнаруживаю, я бегу от взаимоотно­шений неприятных к взаимоотношениям приятным. Поэтому взаимоотношения мало что значат, когда вы просто ищете в них взаимное удовлетворение, но становятся чрезвычайно значимыми, когда благодаря им происходит самораскрытие и самопознание.

В конечном счёте не существует взаимоотношений в люб­ви, не так ли? Только когда вы любите что-то и ожидаете ответа на вашу любовь – взаимоотношения существуют. Когда вы лю­бите, когда отдаётесь чему-то полностью, целиком, взаимоот­ношений нет.

Если вы действительно любите, если существует такая лю­бовь, это замечательно. В такой любви нет трений, нет одного и другого, а есть полное единение. Это состояние целостности, полноты бытия. Бывают такие моменты, такие редкие, счаст­ливые, радостные моменты полноты любви, полноты общнос­ти. Обычно в любви важна не любовь, а важен другой, важным становится предмет любви; важность обретает тот, на кого на­правлена эта любовь, а не сама любовь. Тогда предмет любви становится важным – по разным причинам, биологическим, сло­весным или из-за желания получить удовлетворение, комфорт и так далее – а любовь отступает. Тогда чувство собственности, обладания, ревность и требования создают конфликт, и любовь отступает всё дальше и дальше; чем дальше она отступает, тем менее важной становится проблема взаимоотношений, тем  меньше её ценность и значимость. Так что любовь – одна из наиболее трудно постигаемых вещей. Она не приходит в ответ на интеллектуальный запрос, её нельзя создать разными мето­дами, способами и дисциплиной. Это состояние бытия, когда деятельность «само», деятельность «я», прекращается; но она не прекратится, если вы просто подавите её, станете избегать её или подчинять дисциплине. Вы должны понять, как действу­ет «само» на всех уровнях сознания. У нас бывают моменты, когда мы действительно любим, когда нет мысли, нет мотивации, но та­кие моменты очень редки. А оттого, что они редки, мы цепляемся за них в памяти и так создаём барьер между живой реальностью и нашим повседневным существованием.

Для того чтобы понять взаимоотношения, прежде все­го важно понять то, что есть, что на самом деле происходит в нашей жизни, во всех разнообразных тонких формах; и также что реально подразумевается под взаимоотношени­ями. Взаимоотношения – это самораскрытие; мы прячемся за комфорт, потому что мы не хотим открыть себя самому себе – тогда взаимоотношения утрачивают огромную глубину, значимость и красоту. Настоящие взаимоотношения возмож­ны только там, где есть любовь, но любовь – это не поиск удов­летворения. Любовь существует только при самозабвении, при полной общности, не между одним или двумя, но общности, единении с высшим; и это может иметь место, только когда «само» забыто.

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    Free Merge MP3 is a software that permits you to merge totally different audio tracks into one single, longer music the best way attainable: by dragging and dropping. Earlier than conversion, if vital, you may also edit one or several MP3 clips. Click on considered one of your needed audio clips on Timeline and then click Edit button to open the editing panel, the place you possibly can change the speed, volume, add results like Fade in & out and so forth.
    Free Merge MP3 is a free software software from the Rippers & Converters subcategory, part of the Audio & Multimedia class. The app is at the moment obtainable in English and it was final up to date on 2017-03-31. This system might be installed on Win2000, Win7 x32, Win7 x64, WinOther, WinServer, WinVista, WinVista x64, WinXP.
    The application is appropriate for creating long audio mixes, for uninterrupted play time, as a substitute of composing a playlist, for instance. You may additionally set high quality options, output file dimension, audio channels and bit rate. The software means that you can select between a constant or a variable bit price and set the minimal, most and average values, from 32 as much as 320 KB per second.
    This MP3 merger software is really free to make use of with out asking you to offer your private data like bank card and e-mail tackle for registration. It comes with no have hidden price or expensive surprises. It is absolutely functional without strings connected or malware to harm your laptop.
    NEW! Download Audio Converter for Android to merge audio recordsdata in your telephone offline. You should use this online audio merger program to merge MP3 information [url][/url], merge WAV files, merge OGG recordsdata, merge AAC files or merge M4A files and so on.
    Use ffmpeg or the same software to transform your entire MP3s right into a consistent format, e.g. The time problem has to do with the ID3 headers of the MP3 information, which is one thing your methodology isn’t taking into account as the whole file is copied. The app supports greater than 300 audio codecs, automatically converting them to mp3 for faster and easier operation.

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    Find out how to convert CDA to AAC on-line with CDA to AAC Converter ? You probably load the CDA information from your hard drive. If so, The CDA file can’t be copied from CD to exhausting drive instantly. You might notice pace of the copying could be very quick. The copy operation takes just three-5 seconds solely. It does not make sense. Usually, A CD comprises 600-seven hundred MB audio knowledge. And, you will notice all CDA file on your hard drive is about forty four bytes (proper-click on the CDA file and select «Properties»). That’s why the software program failed to convert CDA file. And no software can convert the forty four bytes CDA file to MP3.
    If you have a collection of music on CD disks and wish to make it appropriate for playback on fashionable portative gamers or just on LAPTOP, it is better to convert CDA tracks from CD into another music format that will probably be appropriate together with your units. As a variant, you may convert CDA to AAC recordsdata that now are supported by a overwhelming majority of virtual utility and playback devices.
    A file conversion is only a change of the file that was created in a single program ( AAC file) to a type intelligible for another program (i.e. CDA format). There are a lot of web sites providing file conversion of AAC to CDA information «Online» — without having to obtain a special program to your pc. Nonetheless, you probably have not discovered the appropriate AAC file converter within the Web, you need to use our listing of applications to deal with the conversion of the AAC to CDA file.
    Get Whole Audio Converter to transform entire albums in one go. I’m about to obtain a CDA audio file from somebody who doesn’t know something about computers but makes use of Audio Cleanic for Home windows. Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) is a standardized, lossy compression and encoding scheme for digital audio. Designed to be the successor of the MP3 format, AAC usually achieves higher sound quality than MP3 at many bit rates.
    To convert CDA information to MP3, it’s important to choose CDA file from CD directly, after which convert them to MP3. Batch mode for a number of recordsdata [url=]cda to aac[/url] conversion job. After the information are chosen, click on Select output profile tab. The drop-down listing will unfold, simply select MP3 Audio(.mp3).
    You in all probability load the CDA recordsdata out of your exhausting drive. In that case, The CDA file can’t be copied from CD to onerous drive directly. You could discover speed of the copying could be very quick. The copy operation takes simply 3-5 seconds solely. It does not make sense. Typically, A CD contains 600-seven-hundred MB audio knowledge. And, you will note all CDA file in your onerous drive is about 44 bytes (proper-click on the CDA file and choose «Properties»). That’s why the software program failed to convert CDA file. And no software can convert the forty four bytes CDA file to MP3.
    CDA recordsdata will not be audio information, as a result of they don’t include sampled sound in any respect. CDA files are only a way that Home windows uses to allow you to access an Audio CD index. That is why should you copy aCDA file to our laborious drive and try to play it with an audio player, nothing occurs. So you should need the CDA to MP3 Converter to extract audio tracks from an Audio CD.
    A: You probably load the CDA information from your onerous drive. If that’s the case, The CDA file can’t be copied from CD to onerous drive immediately. It’s possible you’ll discover pace of the copying could be very quick. The copy operation takes simply 3-5 seconds only. It doesn’t make sense. Typically, Audio CD incorporates 600-seven-hundred MB audio knowledge. And, you will see all CDA file on your arduous drive is about forty four bytes (proper-click on on the CDA file and choose «Properties»). That’s why the software program failed to convert CDA file. And no software program can convert the forty four bytes CDA file to AAC. To convert CDA recordsdata to AAC, it’s a must to choose CDA file from CD straight, after which convert them to AAC.
    Thecda recordsdata do not include the actual PCM sound wave information, however as an alternative inform the place on the disc each track begins and stops. If the file is copied” from the CD-ROM to the computer, it becomes useless, since it is only a shortcut to a part of the disc. Nonetheless, some audio editing and CD creation programs will, from the user [url=]rip cda to aac[/url]’s perspective, loadcda files as if they are precise audio information recordsdata. Although if you copy it’s ineffective, you possibly can click on the file whenever you’re in the disc file space and it will play in WMP (Home windows Media Participant).
    When you are all finished with setting these numerous options, you’re able to convert the tracks from cda to aac format. CDA to MP3 Converter converts CDA to MP3 in batch, and help greater than 90 audio and video recordsdata. You can follow directions below to get began.

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    Car la prophétie annoncée par Neil Young est déjà réalisée : les baladeurs numériques audiophiles sont là : on peut citer notamment les baladeurs des fabricants Sony (Japon), Cowon, Astell&Kern (Corée) ou Fiio (Chine), HifiMAN (US), Colorfly (Allemagne). Je voudrais finir en exprimant mon admiration sur la façon dont Alexandre Badagée, tout au long [url=]convertisseur aiff en mp3 gratuit[/url] de la formation, s’attaque avec expertise en temps réel, en pensant en haute voix, à un morceau difficile, composé d’une multitude des pistes, dont beaucoup souvent doublées et facilement négligeables, risquant d’être en conflit entre elles et qu’un arrangeur scrupuleux n’oserait pas présenter au mixage.
    Pour quelqu’un qui s’apprete a dématérialiser sa musique, de nombreux cd avec de bon enregistrement, pour qui la sauvegarde et la qualité de restitution est aussi vital, et pour qui a hundred euros de plus en disque dur ne pose pas de problème, le format wav est le dispositif de dématérialisation le plus pérenne et met un terme aux doutes et discutions interminables des audiophiles.
    On mesure le gap en volume d’informations et en puissance de calcul entre un fichier qualité CD et un fichier haute définition. Ce format est à choisir si vous comptez gérer vos musiques avec iTunes ou les écouter avec un iPhone, un iPod contact ou un iPad, ou bien les streamer vers un récepteur AirPlay. Le Flac est le nouveau standard de musique dématérialisée en 2014 et bien après.
    Thus, the Gold Sound Database improves not solely the quality of tunes the software program performs, but additionally the quality of WAV, AIFF, Vorbis Ogg or MP3 files the software exports. De plus, à ce débit, il vous sera quasiment unattainable [url=]convertisseur aiff en mp3 gratuit[/url] de distinguer la différence avec le fichier authentic non compressé, issu de votre CD (à moins d’avoir un système hifi haut de gamme). N’éxagérons pas s’il n’y avait aucun son en dessous de 300 Hz en mp3 il n’y aurait pas de Kick ni de Basse… En dessous de 30 Hz peut-être (on parle d’infrabasses en dessous de forty-45 Hz il me semble), et encore !

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    Music lovers will usually meet such audio codecs like MP3, WAV, WMA, ALAC, etc. To MP3 Converter Free accepts and processes more than 200 audio and video formats, together with however not restricted to: WMA, MP4, M4A, FLAC, WAV, MP4, VID, FLV, AVI, MPG, ASF, MPE, MOV, 3GP, M4V, MKV, MOD, OGM, DV. Please, be aware: to transform on-line content material, you must obtain it to your computer first, using browser or one other software program.
    Yeah, I used to be looking round and on the bottom in Music Converter there’s a discover that stated it wasn’t installed with a link to where I could download it. FileZigZag should work with all working methods that help an online browser, like Mac OS X, Windows, and Linux. We suggest testing our current tutorial on specifying the MP3 quality (bit charge) for high-quality-tuning this course of. BTW, you’d in all probability be a lot better off converting to mp3 offline after which utilizing that, slightly then reconverting over and over, which is a waste of CPU. Convert audio recordsdata like MP3, MP2, WMA, M4A, AAC, APE, VQF, OGG, AU, AIFF to MP3, MP2, and WAV. If you wish to make the MP3 smaller, then throughout the encode it not only tosses all the phase relationships, it additionally tosses every amplitude which is below a threshold which is a perform of the quality you selected.
    On this article I am going to indicate you the strategy I used to transform the files after which I am going to show you the easy means. In case you are at the very least slightly aware of the options of different audio file formats you will perceive how useful Any Audio Converter — WAV to MP3 Converter really is. As an alternative, you should use Whole Recorder to record an uncompressed file and later use your favorite MP3 software program, similar [url][/url] to MusicMatch Jukebox, or one of many a whole lot of other freeware or business packages, to carry out the compression. The Windows Media Player utility is a free software program different to transform MP3 to WAV format. Audacity can’t convert to MP3 by itself as a result of patent issues, so it needs some assist from this little plugin with the strange name. Encode your ripped WAV recordsdata into excessive-high quality, noncorrupted MP3 recordsdata so you can store your favourite CDs or share them on-line.
    Complete Audio Converter є конвертувати аудіо файли в одному Форміат до іншого Форміат. Now you can save your CD tracks taking advantage of quality of Flac format, finish ultimately convert Flac to MP3 in case your portable Mp3 participant doesn’t help Flac. The primary choice you can see there is Import Using, if you happen to click on on the dropdown menu next to it you will be able to choose the format you want your file to be converted to (MP3 Encoder). Free WMA MP3 Converter helps ID3 tagging; the ID3 tags within the original recordsdata can be reserved after conversion.
    You are able to do this with the free All2MP3 software mentioned above, it’s drag & drop and very straightforward to do. MP3 eliminates a number of the knowledge recorded in a tune that our ears will not be in a position to hear after which makes use of advanced algorithms to scale back the file measurement. MP3 file format is smaller and extra easily recognized by music players [url][/url] or portable gadgets than WAV. In case you set the MIDI/Audio playback engine to Play Although MIDI” then while you export audio, there shall be an choice of saving in AIFF/WAV or MP3. With Free WMA MP3 Converter the default settings have been optimized for you; simply simply select a conversion process and away you go. Moreover, you possibly can customize settings to fulfill your particular necessities.

  12. BeexbeeM:

    True Gapless Conversion — бесшовная конвертация треков альбома как непрерывного потока (живые концерты, оперы и т.д.). Поддерживается использование внешних программ-кодеров (часть из которых входит в дистрибутив) для кодирования в различные форматы, включая MP3 (при помощи ) и Ogg Vorbis (посредством ), хотя востребованность такой возможности в рамках конкретного программного продукта вызывает некоторые сомнения, учитывая, что работать с соответствующими консольными приложениями приходится фактически из командной строки. AARMA — Volk прав чтобы действительно достичь качественного кодирование в MP3 лучше всего поможет прога Precise Audio Copy(EAC). Через нее можно и в FLAC кодировать также. вот она вам и даст тот наилучший результат. принцип заключается в том что она дважды считывает данные с конвертер cda в wav диска, т.е. первый раз она сохраняет код файла и когда второй раз считывает файл она будет сверять первый код со вторым(эти 2 кода должны совпасть). в случае если она наткнется на ошибку прога будет пересчитывать файл до тех пор пока не убедится в том что он максимально близок к оригиналу.
    Starting with Windows 2000, a WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE header was defined which specifies various audio channel information along with speaker positions, eliminates ambiguity relating to pattern types and container sizes in the usual WAV format and helps defining custom-made extensions to the format chunk. Merely among the finest methods to report out of your show in HD. Make video footage of any utility, report on-line streaming video, webinars, even Skype calls, and save clips in all common wav to flac on-line codecs for viewing on numerous units. WAV To FLAC Converter Software program was designed from the underside as a lot as help clients course of fairly a couple of recordsdata at once. I extraordinarily advocate Avdshare Video Converter to Convert AVCHD to MP4, MOV, WMV, FLV, AVI, WEBM, and so on for taking part in AVCHD on iPhone, iPad, Samsung, QuickTime, Residence windows Media Participant, and so on or importing AVCHD to YouTube, MySpace, Twitter, and so on.
    Using FLAC to compress an audio file to roughly 50% of its original dimension. The principle advantages of a FLAC file together with it being lossless is that it may be used for streaming, and decoding is fast, allowing for real time decoding to happen. A FLAC file additionally convert flac to mp3 online accommodates a number of knowledge integrity checks throughout the header file. The metadata related to the audio has been future proofed also to permit new fields to be defined without impacting present decoders.
    The Lossless compressed FLAC, APE and Apple Lossless ALAC recordsdata might be reworked once more to uncompressed lossless format WAV or AIFF and sound just like the unique music file once more with no lossess. Even, most APE converters enable to do that, nevertheless you probably need to get hold of ape to flac online two or three plug-ins to make it work. Nevertheless, APE file cannot be supported by hottest gadgets and players, many audiophiles get the issue of enjoying APE file similar to playback with hiccups or cannot play the one.
    В статье Преобразование Саундтреков Формата CDA в Файлы MP3 мы объяснили, зачем Вам может понадобиться преобразование файлов CDA в файлы MP3. Эта же логика верна и при конвертировании CDA в WAV, только [url=]cda to m4b[/url] в данном случае еще и нет потери качества саундтрека. Кроме того, формат WAV дает широкие возможности обработки аудио файлов: Вы сможете извлекать из них фрагменты, добавлять звуковые эффекты и т.д.
    A: Individuals Convert CDA files to M4B format for numerous function, however, most of them Convert CDA for the 2 frequent ones, first the Audio CDs recordsdata are too giant, they want to avoid wasting [url=]convert cda to m4b[/url] space, second their transportable devices don’t acknowledge CDA format in any respect, but these units are able to taking part in M4B files without any compatibility issues.
    Did not see any as a result of I didn’t bother changing 60% of my information. CDA to MP3 Converter converts CDA to MP3 very fast. This system is an multi functional audio converter that is able to convert greater than 90 audio and video codecs to WMA, MP3, OGG, AAC, WAV, M4B, M4A, and AMR.
    It’s capable of changing CDA to M4B simply and rapidly. On the progress window of CDA to M4B Ripper, you may choose what the computer should do after the conversion. The default setting is to Do nothing. The software program is converting CDA tracks into M4B audiobook.

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    IDealshare VideoGo, the best WV Converter, can fast and batch convert WavPackwv to nearly all widespread audio format on Mac or Windows. The FLAC audio file takes up a lot less space in your hard drive than the original audio file because of the compression, nevertheless [url][/url], there’s a big drawback to this format — FLAC isn’t compatible with all types of gadgets, and its limited compatibility is what typically makes people need to convert it to another, extra appropriate and usable, audio format.
    Output File Formats: 3G2 (audio track), 3GP (audio observe), AAC, AAC for iPod/iPhone/iPad/iTunes, AC3, AIFF, ALAC (Apple Lossless), FLAC, M4A (MPEG-four audio), M4B (MPEG-4 audiobook), M4R (iPhone ringtone), MP2, MPC, MP3, MP4 (audio monitor), APE, OGG, WAV, WMA and any ACM Encoder. This seminar is accredited for [url][/url] 6.7 WV MCLE credits, together with 6.7 Ethics/L..M. credit. This system may also behave as a simple conversion tool from one audio format to another (e.g. AAC to MP3).
    When you’ve got an audio file recorded in a rare format and you want it converted to a extra widespread format, you should check out the Super audio converter. To add WV songs, music, and audios to video sharing web sites like YouTube, CBS, Fb, you’ll want to convert WV to the universal file format MP3, WAV. Xilisoft provides an intuitive layout and a really pleasant user interface that makes file conversion easy and enjoyable. This assortment includes some instruments that may let you convert your SPX recordsdata into MP3 format. Not only can Hamster convert multiple audio information in bulk, but it may possibly merge the files into one, very similar to Freemake Audio Converter.
    We have now found 8 software program data in our database eligible forwv tomp3 file format conversion. Select an wvc or wv file, set the beginning time, the end time or audio encoding bitrate if needed. A converter that permits you to extract audio knowledge from CDs can help [url][/url] you save your audio in a more helpful format. Even if your video file has more that one audio stream, you may select the one you want. Pazera Free Audio Extractor uses free, fast and prime quality video encoder — FFmpeg.
    The next working programs are supported: Home windows 10, Home windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Mac OS X 10.5 and newer. FLAC аудіо конвертер перетворює аудіо в MP3, WAV, FLAC, AAC, OGG і WV аудіо форматів. WV is exclusive — it offers lossless, high-high quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode. WV to MP3 Converter supports conversion without any non permanent files it brings you high converting pace and saves the onerous disk useful resource.

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    Ces trois types de fichiers compressés sont proposés au téléchargement pour tous les albums Qobuz, au choix de l’acheteur, celui-ci pouvant même télécharger de nouveau un album avec une autre compression que celle choisie initialement (si celle-ci pose des problèmes avec un appareil, un lecteur réseau par exemple), voire sans compression (WAV et AIFF).
    Télécharger des vidéos musicales en ligne depuis d’autres websites comme Yahoo, Fb, Vimeo, and so forth. Audacity est un logiciel gratuit qui permet de manipuler des fichiers sons au format WAV ou MP3, il permet également d’enregistrer [url=]convertir flac en wma[/url] sa propre voix (avec un microphone). Bien que le streaming audio ait le vent en poupe, le FLAC dispose de plusieurs avantages. Les métadonnées associées à l’audio ont été pensées pour l’ajout de nouveaux champs à l’avenir sans avoir de conséquences sur les décodeurs existants.
    Ahh ces professional apple qui detiennent la verité et que tt ce que fait apple c est prime.quelle idee a la noix a eu microsoft en leur sauvant le cul ya 20 ans ! Il propose ainsi de trouver, à travers une base de données en ligne très complète, les illustrations correspondant à votre bibliothèque musicale. Pour la musique diffusée en streaming sur Web, vous n’avez pas besoin de de votre ordinateur, celui peut être éteind pour l’écoute sur les Squeezebox.
    Chaque fichier FLAC contient un Tag, soit une balise contenant les informations concernant la musique : illustration, artiste, numéro de piste, and many others. Pour de l’archivage, il est préférable de passer par un format d’encodage non destructif (WAV, APE, FLAC), ceci afin de restituer l’unique si besoin est dans un CD audio ou encore pour convertir à la volée dans un format avec perte (MP3, WMA, AAC , OGG Vorbis…) pour les périphériques portables!
    Les fichiers à 128 Kbps récolteraient des notes en dessous de 3/5, ce qui n’est pas satisfaisant. Alors je veux bien écouter un bon WMA pour voir si les choses ont changées mais franchement j’en doute puisque MS supporte le commonplace maintenant délaissant son format. Du coup, si vous voulez télécharger des fichiers audio en FLAC (libres de droits, bien entendu) ou que vous avez vous même des fichiers audio en FLAC, il vous faudra les convertir pour qu’ils soient lisibles par iTunes, et donc synchronisables sur iPhone, iPad, ou iPod.
    On peut lire directement les fichiers flac avec la commande flac123 ou avec xmms qui dispose d’un greffon (vérifier que celui-ci est installé et activé). Si vous voulez ne garder que la piste audio d’une vidéo, c’est pareil : un conversion en décochant activer vidéo”. Le MP3 320 kbps est compressé maison et l’offre Studio Masters restitue un son de studio d’enregistrement, dix fois supérieur à la qualité CD.
    Freemake Audio Converter offre toujours la simplicité des autres logiciels Freemake. Un Smartphone 16go sera donc vite plein d’autant que pour entendre des différences entre le mp3 et le FLAC il faut non seulement une oreille aiguisée mais aussi un matériel de qualité succesful de restituer correctement le spectre sonore. L’avantage du service de streaming musical de la FNAC c’est qu’il s’adapte à tous les varieties d’utilisateurs.
    Et il faut prendre en compte l’évolution technologique, les fabuleuses Nautilus de B&W sont devenues un mythe mais ne sont plus à l’avant-garde de la technologie. Aiseesoft MP3 Convertisseur Mac Gratuit peut convertir n’importe quel fichier de musique en format MP3 afin que vous puissiez profiter des fichiers audio d’origine non pris en cost [url=]flac2wma[/url] sur votre lecteur de musique.
    Une interface simple proposant une liste de vos fichiers, les caractéristiques de conversion et l’avancement de la transformation d’un format à un autre, vous permettra de convertir simplement et rapidement. C’est celui dont vous avez certainement le plus entendu parler, le MP3, fichier de compression numérique créé en 1996, est le format numérique le plus répandu.

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    Before using this DVD to MP3 converter, please just remember to have put in the Java Applet in your pc. MP2 is usually described as a lossy audio compression format” which implies that the recorded sound has been compressed to suit into the audio file and in doing so has lost a lot of its original quality [url][/url]. You can use this full-practical program with none limitations during 15-day trial period absolutely free. Convert between popular audio codecs together with MP3, MP2, OGG, WMA, WAV, AAC, AC3, AU, MMF, M4A.
    With fre:ac Free Audio Converter you’ll be able to simply rip your audio CDs to MP3 or WMA files for use with your hardware participant or convert recordsdata that don’t play with different audio software. Using Direct Audio Converter and CD Ripper, you possibly can easily convert your favorite music tracks between all fashionable formats, rip audio CDs to any in style format you like and even import tag data from the FreeDB database. Apowersoft Video Converter Studio can convert all sorts of video/audio formats, such as AVI, MP4, FLV, DVD, MP3, and many others. That’s not a problem when you have skilled desktop software to convert DVD to MP3. The free audio converter doesn’t expire and consists of most common audio file codecs.
    MP3 Audio Recorder — Document high-high quality music or low-bitrate audio streams instantly into compressed sound information. You’ll discover the converted file in the vacation spot location you chose before and now you possibly can play your MP3 on any suitable media player or moveable device. The belowed tips will tell you how one can step by step convert audio recordsdata with the highly effective Xilisoft Audio Converter. Your methodology says it cannot convert them because protected recordsdata can not be transformed to MP3. Since then I’m very glad for the superb high quality of the obtain in addition to the ridiculously pleasant strategy adopted by you on this. It is usually a video to audio converter which might extract audio from AVI, MPEG, WMV, ASF and MP4 information, and convert to WMA, MP3. That means that an MP3 file doesn’t comprise one hundred% of the original audio info.

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    AIFF, short kind for Audio Interchange File Format, is uncompressed audio file format developed by Apple Pc. Weaknesses: An external (free) plug-in is required to view QuickTime information in Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer on Macintosh and Windows platforms. If that you must convert FLAC information, it’s essential [url=]convert aiff to wav[/url] to download the 4th one that says it supports FLAC and OGG enter assist. The participant works with the Liquid MusicServer (which is definitely tied into SQL databases) to enable particular person tracks or entire CDs to be purchased online.
    Basically the identical as WAV, AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) added one distinct characteristic WAV did not (at that time) possess. If you have iTunes set to import as AIFF or WAV, then it will do this for you and also [url=]convert aiff to wav online[/url] you’re all set to go. It is more time-consuming, but you do get to watch the method the whole approach by means of. A strong MP3 converter app to transform your audio/video media formats to mp3 or other audio formats.
    To upload WV songs, music, and audios to video sharing web sites like YouTube, CBS, Fb, that you must convert WV to the universal file format MP3, WAV. Be sure to add a WAV in an HD video (720p and better will encode your audio at 384kbps) in any other case your audience will be caught listening to low high quality 128kbps streaming. Again within the day when Windows and IBM had been carefully linked, WAV supplied a way of breaking audio into chunks computers may work with.
    The very best AIFF to WAV Converter out there nevertheless, is Faasoft AIFF to WAV Converter , with which, you simply want three steps to finish changing AIFF to WAV and the conversion is getting simpler than ever. The utmost document file measurement for uploads on this free user is 10 MB. Member Support most giant information for 1G. If you shouldn’t have an account yet, please ENROLL Registration is completely free.
    So changing WAV to MP3 helps you to benefit from the music file on extra gamers simply with the smaller size, while turning MP3 to WAV helps you to take pleasure in high quality sound effects on some gamers. I have used it to efficiently convert most of my FLAC collection to ALAC in order for it to be playable on my Ipod. Regardless of these pricy and sophisticated audio editors, perhaps many people are apt to free online conversion service , however only when you have a great Web connection in the strategy of importing and downloading information.
    Just specify a folder or an individual file utilizing drag-and-drop or the buttons from the UI and you may convert it to MP3, Ogg, FLAC, or WAV format, utilizing bitrates starting from 64 to 256Kbps in the case of the primary two filetypes. And, with Apple’s iTunes making AAC so standard, it is nearly as extensively compatible [url=]aiff to wav converter[/url] with MP3. If you’re converting reel to reel to CD , or audio cassette to CD , these files can be uncompressed WAV files after transferring, and may be converted to any format mentioned above.
    By default, it’s the LAME MP3 Encoder which you can use to transform different audio formats into MP3 format. As an audio extractor, Any Audio Converter can extract audio from all common video codecs and on-line videos from YouTube, Google Video and Nico Video. I am glad you recommended it b/c I had not considered it. My VO although has to save lots of to iTunes as mp3 anyways as a result of he information them in Garageband.

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    The WAV format is commonly used for storing uncompressed audio files — it’s also the format professionals often depend on when working with sound in audio editors. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate the total model of which is available for just $forty nine.95 is much more than a converter. It will can help you convert, edit, arrange [url][/url], burn, improve, seize and watch audios and videos in lots of of different formats. Wondershare Video Converter Ultimate which has over 50,000,000 loyal customers in more than 200 nations of the world has been in the industry for greater than a decade. This super useful software is going to take care of all your audio and video conversion requirements.
    WAV file extension is expounded to a digital audio format that’s used for storing sound tracks with lossless quality. It allows saving audio knowledge with completely different bitrates and frequencies. The standard configuration is forty four,1 kHz, sixteen bps, stereo. WAV information have a lot in widespread with AIFF files, however they’re based mostly on RIFF know-how as an alternative of AIFF. WAV information are principally used on Windows platform, being supported by Windows Media Players and other packages. Most often codec is MS ADPCM.
    The easiest way to do that might be with iTunes. In your preferences, go to Import Settings and choose «Import Using» to WAV encoder. Then you possibly can right-click on on any AAC song [url][/url] and choose «Create WAV model.» You must be able to choose a bunch of information without delay and do this to them in bulk.
    three. Click on «Convert Now!» button to start out conversion. It will automatically retry another server if one failed, please be affected person while changing. The output recordsdata can be listed in the «Conversion Results» part. Click icon to indicate file QR code or save file to online storage companies resembling Google Drive or Dropbox.
    Convert your audio like music to the WAV format with this free online WAV converter. Upload your audio file and the conversion will start immediately. You can even extract the audio track of a file to WAV if you add a video. You may import songs into iTunes and convert them at the identical time. This creates a transformed copy of the file in your iTunes Library, primarily based in your iTunes preferences.
    >> File >> Open Output File to open output folder and discover the output audio file. Click on the Format” menu on the bottom part of the program’s window, after which click on Audios” to decide on WAV from the record of audio formats. You possibly can modify the settings of your audio by clicking the Settings” choice.
    Though AAC is meant to be improved and developed audio format compared with MP3 it should be admitted that once in a while one needs MP3 extra often than AAC. It happens quite often primarily as a result of MP3 audio format is meant to be the preferred encoding format and it’s still widespread. And within the case considered one of your gamers would not help AAC you need to convert AAC format to MP3 with the assistance of AAC to MP3 Converter you can simply download from the Web and set up into your pc.
    Like MP3, AAC is a lossy format, meaning that with the intention to compress CD-high quality audio recordsdata into smaller recordsdata appropriate for transmission over the Web, some data that won’t impression the listening experience of the file is eliminated. On account of the compression, although, AAC recordsdata do not sound similar to CD-high quality information.
    You should use iTunes to transform tune files between compressed and uncompressed codecs. For instance, you would possibly wish to import some uncompressed information into iTunes as compressed files to avoid wasting disk area. Examples of compressed codecs are MP3 and Apple Lossless Encoder. Examples of uncompressed codecs are AIFF or WAV.
    Actually, Lightworks can accept mp3. The difficulty is mp3 is unimaginable to edit. That is where the uncompressed wav files are available in. Since they’re already uncompressed, you’ll be able to minimize them easily. Nothing could be less complicated than utilizing ffmpeg to extract audio from video and convert to wav. WinFF is a entrance finish for ffmpeg so you can customise and save a command line for this operation. I am unsure if WinFF retains the original syntax of ffmpeg but I will go forward and provides an instance. You may have to tweak it to work in WinFF.

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